Sunday, May 5, 2013

C4K Summary for April

Spencer is an eighth grader who was born and raised in Iowa. His favorite school subject is PE and he likes football, playing guitar, and he has a dog named Luke. I told him that I've never been out of the south, and asked him who his favorite football team is. I also informed him that I'm going to be a Physical Education major, and questioned if he had any idea what he'd like to do when he gets older.

Bianca told us all about her trip to Sovereign Hill, a place where time is set in the gold rush period (late 1800's). She got a taste of how life was back then as she experienced the different shops in the township, working conditions in the mines, and rough living quarters. She even got to pan for gold on her birthday! I told her that I was glad that she had a good birthday, and a fun time learning how much life has changed since those times.

Blog Assignment #15

The first time I did this assignment, I mentioned being interactive with computers, IPads, and educational games...but I didn't really explain it. I did, however, mention putting my students artwork all over the classroom. Of course I'll still display projects if it's something we make, but now I'm thinking more along the lines of sharing it with the whole world. Collaborative videos, blog posts, green screen movies; whatever it may be, it's going on the internet for people to see. I want their ideas to influence others, get feedback, and prompt people to share their own knowledge and ideas. I want my class to be a place where my students are excited to be, where they can explore and use their creativity while I just help guide them to where they can find their own inspirations.

I'm going to use blog posts so that my students can share ideas and get feedback from others. A flipped classroom so that in-class time is spent on application of the skills that they have learned. Videos so that they can learn how to work together and make their own script. Projects so that they can build something, test it, and then be able to explain how it works. SmartBoard presentations so that they can practice interactively teaching their peers. I want my class to be completely hands-on. You have to spend the same amount of time with the kids everyday, so why waste it? As a teacher, we should already know how to put ourselves on the road to success. They don't, and while we don't have to hold their hands along the way, it's our responsibility to get them started in the right direction.

Blog Assignment #8

This Is How We Dream

I noticed this video was posted in 2009, and since then his dream is quickly becoming a reality. It's not something you often think about, but books do go out of date. They'll have them in the library until a newer version comes out, and then you won't be able to find them again unless you know where to look. With technology, knowledge doesn't have to be lost. Pen and paper have so many limitations. The ink fades, the paper tears, and all you can see is words. Using technology, you can speak in such greater volumes! You can combine speeches, videos, facts, and statistics into a presentation that entertains all the senses and is stored safely on the web; not lost somewhere in a pile with the rest of the world's forgotten ideas.

Dr. Miller thinks his ideas will be hard to implement, but will they really? With the speed at which technology is advancing, it shouldn't be difficult at all. Eventually it will become a necessity; why should students use outdated skills to learn new ones?? It doesn't make sense. By putting together this type of multimedia, they're having to find valuable information, use tools to compose it in a way that's appealing and understandable, and share it with the rest of the world. Input doesn't do any good without some type of output! It's a much more effective way to get up-to-date, organized information in a variety of ways so that there can be a greater understanding and availability for future use.

I'm still learning myself, but I will be prepared to use this type of media. My students are going to be able to use it to their advantage as well. I want to be able to teach them in a way that will enhance their learning, and give them something that they can be excited about and that they will want to make use of in the future. Pencil and paper still has its place and they'll need to know how to write, but why let their only tool be a pencil when there's so many options out there for them to explore, and so many different ways that they can engage?

Blog Post #12

First of all, Carly's post in itself employs Dr. Miller's hopes for writing with multimedia. I was intrigued the whole time I was reading, and I love how she created the hyperlinks that went along with what she was saying; it really helped to express the point that she was trying to get across. The assignment that she gave was a great idea, and it really does get you thinking. You have to seriously consider your own thoughts and feelings towards teaching and the learning process, and how you want to share them with your students so that they appreciate the knowledge that they're gaining as much as you do. I definitely enjoyed her video about acceptance for those with disabilities. Isn't that what it's all about: perception? To have one closed-minded view about anything, whether it be teaching, society, or people in general; is to miss out on what the world has to offer. If you aren't contributing, you come and you leave this world with the same thing: nothing. Why not make a difference? Carly had an excellent post!

EDM 310 Is Different

I'd love to create a video about time management. I know it's always my biggest trial. I think a video which expresses the struggles of having a busy college life and gives tips on how to overcome that, or at least make it less overwhelming, would be very helpful. Most students aren't accustomed to devoting so much of their time to school work and studying, and it's a relief to have someone guide you so that it becomes a task that you can handle effectively. In my video, I would show kids working together and encouraging each other to do their work ahead of time, and not at the last minute. EDM 310 For Dummies was funny, but so true! Most people don't have a clue what they're getting into when they enter this class, and it's nice to have a little guidance from people who have survived the struggle.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn

In this video, standardized testing was mentioned. But what is a standard, really? How long does it last? "It's the death of education, but the beginning of actual learning." I love that!! It's true that, as educators, we want our students to value and appreciate the culture that we live in. But how are they going to do that if we keep them from utilizing the tools that are available to them? Technology isn't a thing to be feared; but embraced. There's no need to confine them to a classroom and smother their creativity; we have to let them use that creativity to be their guiding force. There are endless opportunities for a child who has never been forced to stay inside the lines.

ideas are the roots of creation

Blog Assignment #6

The Networked Student

I think that Wendy Drexler's idea of a networked student is brilliant. Using Google Scholar, she and her students both know that the sources they are using are reliable. They are getting the information that they need about the subject from peer-reviewed authors who really know what they're talking about. Since they aren't using a textbook, the articles from Google Scholar are where the 'facts' come from. The articles are a better source of information than the textbook anyway, because the textbook only gives brief descriptions of every topic. With Google Scholar, however, there are many different explanations of the same thing that the student can explore to help them get a better understanding. As mentioned in the video, reading others' blogs is more opinion based than anything. Even so, it's beneficial to be able to share your opinion in order to open up discussions about the topic. In all, her method allows students to combine their ability to find research-based knowledge, share it with others, and receive feedback about their own opinions.

A very important question was brought to light in this video...Why does the networked student even need a teacher? Think about it. You have a kid who, most likely, is accustomed to listening to a teacher lecture, or flip through powerpoint slides. You hand them a computer and tell them to learn about psychology. How are they going to know what to do? Someone has to guide them in figuring out which sources will tell them what they need to know, and which are unreliable. Even if they do know how to find the information, that doesn't mean that they would think to network and share that knowledge, all while enhancing their own understanding. Yes, they are learning on their own, but they need a teacher to show them the process which gives them the best and most beneficial outlet for that learning experience.

EDM 310 is a great example of transforming us to be networked students. Before this class, I didn't understand networking, know how to use a blog effectively, or know how to find trusted sources on the internet. However, reading these blogs and doing all of these projects has helped to transform me in ways that I didn't even realize until recently. In other classes in the past few weeks that I've been assigned projects in, instead of trying to sit there on my own and think of the easiest thing to do, I've learned to use resources such as Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube to give me ideas. If it wasn't for this class, I would still be thinking a lecture and tests was the best way to go; and it's not. Sometimes you don't realize how narrow your frame of mind is until it's challenged, which is what Dr. Strange and Ms. Drexler are trying to accomplish in all of their networked students.

A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment (or PLN)

Looking back on my 7th grade year, I really couldn't tell you what I learned. However, I bet this girl could give you some useful information. She knows where to find good sources, and keeps everything organized using Symbaloo. I think one of the things that's so great about her PLE is that she has the freedom to learn what she wants. For instance, she said she was interested in the box jellyfish, so she did an interactive project on it. She gets to explore things that she's curious about and expand on them in her own way. No kid wants to sit and listen to something that bores them. By allowing them to approach learning how they want to, they're able to fulfill those curiosities and actually dig deeper into the subject. Not only that, it's exciting to be able to email and have Skype interviews with scientists. She even mentions that other websites such as Facebook can be distracting, but they 'have so much freedom that you have the inclination to be responsible.' That's called a motivated student. Once you get kids excited about learning and teach them how to use it to their benefit, they're going to be a lot more likely to continue that path to success in the future.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Final Report on PLN


If you had asked me what a PLN was six months ago, I probably would have looked at you like you were crazy and walked away. However, now my personal learning network is, and will be, the backbone of everything I do. I love Symbaloo because it helps me keep everything organized. From twitter, to pinterest, to other teacher's blogs; it allows me to access everything that I need with ease. When I entered this class, the idea in my head was of a classroom where a teacher stood up at the front of her students and lectured, whether through discussion, powerpoint, or both. EDM 310 has really opened my eyes and allowed me to see that that really doesn't have to be the case! I can now use these resources to plan my flipped classroom, where the students have more time with me to apply what they already know. I'm getting ideas now that I'm saving to use for my students later, and I can't wait to see how much fun we're going to have learning together!